Rat Heroin Park – Social Anxiety and Drug Addiction

If you suffer from social anxiety you are probably ripe for drug addiction. I know i would probably be hooked on drugs if i was sociable enough to know any drug dealers. That is because drug addiction comes from the … Continue reading

How Self Help Damages Your Mental Health

Self Help Is Capitalist Propaganda Self help and personal development are great… for a specific set of people. First you need to understand that most self help material advocates capitalism. Capitalism is a Utopian vision. One of ideals of this … Continue reading

Proof Social Anxiety Can Be Conquered

Who the hell is Andy Kaufman?

Unless you are American and watched TV in the 1970s or have seen the film Man on the Moon with Jim Carrey, it’s unlikely you would’ve heard of him.

He was famous for bringing an unwavering dedication to playing a character to the point where the public never knew whether he was in character or actually being serious. His specialty was fucking with people and making people feel some kind of emotion (usually cringe-worthy awkwardness). Sounds like generic comedy now-a-days, but no one had ever seen anything like it back then.

Without this guy it’s unlikely comedy would be the same today. There would be no Ricky Gervais, Steve Coogan or Sasha Baron Cohen. In fact there would be no point in living.

Why have i written an article sucking him off?

He suffered from social anxiety.

Not only was he able to perform on stage, but he did things not even confident comedians were prepared to do. He took no medication and didn’t go through any therapy. Meditation was his medicine.

The main fear of the socially anxious is saying something bad and then being rejected by society, left to fend for yourself in the wild, likely leading to your own death. Andy was able to face his fears and do socially risky things. He never got rejected by society or died. Apart from when he died in 1984 at the age of 35.

My point is he didn’t let his anxieties interfere with what he wanted to do. Okay!

Typical Day of an Unemployed Social Phobic

This is a run down of a normal day for me: 1. I wake up around 12-3pm and instantly want to go back to sleep because whatever i was dreaming about was definitely better than real life. 2. I then … Continue reading